Proposed Legislative Changes for Indiana Animal Cruelty

At Redemption Ranch K9, we are pushing for critical changes to Indiana’s animal cruelty laws to bring them in line with those of neighboring states. Our proposals include:

  • Upgrading Charges for Animal Cruelty: Raising the offense from a Class A misdemeanor to a Level 6 felony if an animal is injured, and a Level 5 felony if the animal dies.
  • Weather-Related Fatalities: Specific provisions for animals that die or suffer from exposure to extreme temperatures (such as being left in hot cars or freezing weather) to ensure offenders face felony charges.
  • Law Enforcement Animals: Treating cruelty to police dogs with the severity it deserves by making permanent injury a Level 5 felony and death a Level 4 felony.
  • Preventive Measures: Requiring shelters and rescues to perform criminal history checks before adopting out animals, ensuring convicted abusers cannot adopt pets in the future.

Why These Changes Matter

For too long, Indiana’s laws have failed to adequately protect animals. At Redemption Ranch K9, we know that law enforcement animals and rescued dogs deserve the same protections as their human counterparts. K9 officers face the same dangers as any police officer and often put themselves in harm’s way. They detect explosives, apprehend criminals, and even save lives. These dogs deserve justice when harmed in the line of duty.

How Indiana Compares to Neighboring States

States like Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois already have stronger animal cruelty laws. For example:

  • Ohio: Harming a police dog results in a felony, with harsher penalties if the dog dies.
  • Michigan: Felony charges for harming a police dog during the commission of a crime, with aggravated charges if the dog is killed.
  • Illinois: Weather-related animal deaths and intentional harm result in felony charges with severe penalties.

Sentencing Reform: Current vs. Proposed

We’re advocating for the following reforms to ensure stronger penalties for those who abuse or neglect animals:

Crime Current Indiana Law Proposed Changes
Basic Animal Cruelty Class A Misdemeanor Level 6 Felony
Animal Cruelty with Death Class A Misdemeanor Level 5 Felony
Cruelty to Law Enforcement Animal Class A Misdemeanor Level 4 Felony (death)

Redemption Ranch K9’s Call to Action

At Redemption Ranch K9, we’re more than just a rescue organization—we’re committed to creating meaningful change that will save lives, both human and animal. But we can’t do it alone. To support our efforts:

  • Contact your local representatives and ask them to support tougher animal cruelty legislation.
  • Join our cause by sharing this page and spreading the word about the need for stronger laws.
  • Support Redemption Ranch K9 through donations, fundraising purchases through our shop & by signing up for our newsletter for news on upcoming volunteer efforts.

Together, we can help build a safer, more compassionate world for animals and the people who love them.

Contact Us

If you want to learn more about our legislative efforts or how you can help, reach out to Redemption Ranch K9: Contact Us

About Redemption Ranch K9

Founded by Police Officer Rob Prichard, Redemption Ranch K9 is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating dogs, transforming them into working dogs that serve police departments across the state. Our mission extends beyond rescue—we’re also fighting to protect animals through legislative advocacy.

I will lay down my life for you
and expect nothing but love in return.
I protect my officer with my life,
and would gladly take a bullet in his place.
I am sent in to find lost children
and fugitives on the run.
I find drugs and weapons and even bombs.
I am the first sent in
and sometimes the last to leave.
I am the nose and ears of my officer.
I will protect and serve him.
I would die for him and for you.
I only ask for compassion and a kind word.

In Memoriam: K9 Harlej